DSpace Biblioteca Universidad de Talca (v1.5.2) >
Browsing by Author "Casaretto, J.A."
Showing results 7 to 10 of 10
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Mar-2011 | Modulation of organic acids and sugar content in tomato fruits by an abscisic acid-regulated transcription factor | Bastias, A.; Lopez-Climent, M.; Valcarcel, M.; Rosello, S.; Gomez-Cadenas, A.; Casaretto, J.A. |
Jan-2012 | Plastidic isoprenoid biosynthesis in tomato: physiological and molecular analysis in genotypes resistant and sensitive to drought stress | Loyola, J.; Verdugo, I.; Gonzalez, E.; Casaretto, J.A.; Ruíz-Lara, S. |
2007 | The promoter of the TLC1.1 retrotransposon from Solanum chilense is activated by multiple stress-related signaling molecules | Salazar, M.; Gonzalez, E.; Casaretto, J.A.; Casacuberta, J.M.; Ruíz-Lara, S. |
Feb-2012 | VvBOR1, the Grapevine Ortholog of AtBOR1, Encodes an Efflux Boron Transporter That is Differentially Expressed Throughout Reproductive Development of Vitis vinifera L. | Perez-Castro, R.; Kasai, K.; Gainza-Cortes, F.; Ruíz-Lara, S.; Casaretto, J.A.; Pena-Cortes, H.; Tapia, J.; Fujiwara, T.; Gonzalez, E. |
Showing results 7 to 10 of 10