DSpace Biblioteca Universidad de Talca (v1.5.2) >
Browsing by Author "Del Pozo Lira, Alejandro"
Showing results 3 to 8 of 8
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 2007 | Development of vegetative propagation for Actaea racemosa Nutt | Fischer, S.; Berti, M.; Wilckens, R.; Del Pozo Lira, Alejandro |
2006 | Development of vegetative propagation for Actaea racemosa Nutt. | Fischer, S.; Berti, M.; Wilckens, R.; Del Pozo Lira, Alejandro |
Oct-2005 | Distribution and ecotypic differentiation of Fragaria chiloensis in Chile | Del Pozo Lira, Alejandro; Lavín, A. |
2006 | Effects of grazing intensity in grasslands of the Espinal of central Chile | Del Pozo Lira, Alejandro; Ovalle, C.; Casado, M.A.; Acosta, B.; de Miguel, J.M. |
2007 | Effects of grazing intensity in grasslands of the Espinal of central Chile | Del Pozo Lira, Alejandro; Ovalle, C.; Casado, M.A.; Acosta, B.; de Miguel, J.M. |
2007 | Gas exchange acclimation to elevated CO2 in upper-sunlit and lower-shaded canopy leaves in relation to nitrogen acquisition and partitioning in wheat grown in field chambers | Del Pozo Lira, Alejandro; Perez, P.; Gutierrez, D.; Alonso, A.; Morcuende, R.; Martinez-Carrasco, R. |
Showing results 3 to 8 of 8