DSpace Biblioteca Universidad de Talca (v1.5.2) >
Browsing by Author "Eberlin, M.N."
Showing results 5 to 9 of 9
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 2006 | On the Species Involved in the Vaporization of Imidazolium Ionic Liquids in a Steam-Distillation-Like Process | DaSilveira Neto, B.A.; Santos, L.S.; Nachtigall, F.M.; Eberlin, M.N.; Dupont, J. |
2007 | Probing the mechanism of direct Mannich-type alpha-methylenation of ketoesters via electrospray ionization mass spectrometry | Milagre, C.D.F.; Milagre, H.M.S.; Santos, L.S.; Lopes, M.L.A.; Moran, P.J.S.; Eberlin, M.N.; Rodrigues, J.A.R. |
2006 | Transient intermediates of the Tebbe reagent intercepted and characterized by atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry | Meurer, E.C.; da Rocha, L.L.; Pilli, R.A.; Eberlin, M.N.; Santos, L.S. |
2007 | tri-n-butyltin hydride-mediated radical reaction of a 2-iodobenzamide: Formation of an unexpected carbon-tin bond | Oliveira, M.T.; Prado, M.A.F.; Alves, R.B.; Cesar, A.; Alves, R.J.; Queiroga, C.G.; Santos, L.S.; Eberlin, M.N. |
15-Mar-2012 | Varietal discrimination of Chilean wines by direct injection mass spectrometry analysis combined with multivariate statistics | Villagra, E.; Santos, L.S.; Vaz, B.G.; Eberlin, M.N.; Laurie, V.F. |
Showing results 5 to 9 of 9