DSpace Biblioteca Universidad de Talca (v1.5.2) >
Browsing by Author "Lapointe, L."
Showing results 5 to 12 of 12
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 2003 | Jack Polynomials in Superspace. | Desrosiers, P.; Lapointe, L.; Mathieu, P. |
Nov-2004 | Jack superpolynomials: physical and combinatorial definitions | Desrosiers, P.; Lapointe, L.; Mathieu, P. |
2007 | A k-tableau characterization of k-Schur functions | Lapointe, L.; Morse, J. |
2007 | Orthogonality of Jack polynomials in superspace | Desrosiers, P.; Lapointe, L.; Mathieu, P. |
2003 | Schur function analogs for a filtration of the symmetric function space | Lapointe, L.; Morse, J. |
Dec-2004 | Supersymmetry in the non-commutative plane | Lapointe, L.; Ujino, H.; Vinet, L. |
2003 | Tableau atoms and a new Macdonald positivity conjecture | Lapointe, L.; Lascoux, A.; Morse, J. |
2005 | Tableaux on k+1-cores, reduced words for affine permutations, and k-Schur expansions | Lapointe, L.; Morse, J. |
Showing results 5 to 12 of 12