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Browsing by Author "Palomo, I."
Showing results 14 to 32 of 32
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Sep-2014 | Mechanism of antiplatelet action of hypolipidemic, antidiabetic and antihypertensive drugs by PPAR activation PPAR agonists: New antiplatelet agents | Fuentes, E.; Palomo, I. |
Nov-2003 | Patients with essential hypertension present higher levels of sE-selectin and sVCAM-1 than normotensive volunteers | Palomo, I.; Marin, P.; Alarcon, M.; Gubelin, G.; Vinambre, X.; Mora, E.; Icaza, G. |
May-2002 | Platelet aging in vivo is associated with activation of apoptotic pathways: Studies in a model of suppressed thrombopoiesis in dogs | Pereira, J.; Soto, M.; Palomo, I.; Ocqueteau, M.; Coetzee, L.M.; Astudillo, S.; Aranda, E.; Mezzano, D. |
Oct-1999 | Platelet aging in vivo is associated with loss of membrane phospholipid asymmetry | Pereira, J.; Palomo, I.; Ocqueteau, M.; Soto, M.; Aranda, E.; Mezzano, D. |
Apr-2012 | Platelets and atherogenesis: Platelet anti-aggregation activity and endothelial protection from tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) (Review) | Palomo, I.; Fuentes, E.; Padro, T.; Badimon, L. |
Apr-2004 | Prevalence and isotype distribution of antiphospholipid antibodies in unselected Chilean patients with venous and arterial thrombosis | Palomo, I.; Pereira, J.; Alarcon, M.; Vasquez, M.; Pinochet, C.; Velez, M.T.; Sandoval, J.; Icaza, G.; Pierangeli, S. |
2003 | Prevalence of antiphospholipid and antiplatelet antibodies in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected Chilean patients | Palomo, I.; Alarcon, M.; Sepulveda, C.; Pereira, J.; Espinola, R.; Pierangeli, S. |
2006 | Prevalence of antiphospholipid antibodies in Chilean patients with rheumatoid arthritis | Palomo, I.; Pinochet, C.; Alarcon, M.; Sandoval, R.; Gonzalez, J.; Monsalves, F.; Forastiero, R. |
Jun-2002 | Prevalence of antiphospholipid antibodies in pregnancies without obstetric risk factors in Talca, Chile | Vasquez, M.; Arias, F.; Alarcon, M.; Palomo, I. |
2005 | Prevalence of antiphospholipid antibodies is not different in Chilean diabetic patients and normal individuals | Palomo, I.; Mujica, V.E.; Alarcon, M.; Pereira, J.G.; Vasquez, M. |
2007 | Prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in adult from Talca, Chile | Palomo, I.; Icaza, G.; Mujica, V.; Nunez, L.; Leiva, E.; Vasquez, M.; Alarcon, M.; Moyano, E. |
2005 | Prevalence of heparin-induced antibodies in patients with chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis | Palomo, I.; Pereira, J.; Alarcon, M.; Diaz, G.; Hidalgo, P.; Pizarro, I.; Jara, E.; Rojas, P.; Quiroga, G.; Moore-Carrasco, R. |
2013 | Protective Mechanisms of S. lycopersicum Aqueous Fraction (Nucleosides and Flavonoids) on Platelet Activation and Thrombus Formation: In Vitro, Ex Vivo and In Vivo Studies | Fuentes, E.; Pereira, J.; Alarcon, M.; Valenzuela, C.; Perez, P.; Astudillo, L.; Palomo, I. |
Aug-2014 | Regulatory mechanisms of cAMP levels as a multiple target for antiplatelet activity and less bleeding risk | Fuentes, E.; Palomo, I. |
Jul-2014 | Thrombus formation induced by laser in a mouse model | Perez, P.; Alarcon, M.; Fuentes, E.; Palomo, I. |
2011 | Type A Behavior Pattern, Anger and Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) in Chilean Urban Population | Diaz, E.M.; Icaza, G.; Mujica, V.; Nunez, L .; Leiva, E.; Vasquez, M.; Palomo, I. |
1988 | Typhoid-Fever in Talca, Chile | Palomo, I.; Valdes, E.; Leon, M.; Herrera, F.; Ramos, L.; Rojas, A.; Pino, M. |
Mar-2007 | Val/Leu(247) and Trp/Ser(316) polymorphisms in beta(2) glycoprotein I and their association with thrombosis in unselected Chilean patients | Palomo, I.; Pereira, J.; Alarcon, M.; Vasquez, M.; Pinochet, C.; Poblete, F.; Mendez, E.; Sandoval, J.; Vidal, R.; Pierangeli, S. |
Dec-2002 | Vascular access thrombosis is not related to presence of antiphospholipid antibodies in patients on chronic hemodialysis | Palomo, I.; Pereira, J.; Alarcon, M.; Vasquez, M.; Pierangeli, S. |
Showing results 14 to 32 of 32