DSpace Biblioteca Universidad de Talca (v1.5.2) >
Browsing by Author "Pena-Cortes, F."
Showing results 5 to 8 of 8
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | May-2012 | Heavy metals in the liver and muscle of Micropogonias manni fish from Budi Lake, Araucania Region, Chile: potential risk for humans | Tapia, J.; Vargas-Chacoff, L.; Bertran, C.; Pena-Cortes, F.; Hauenstein, E.; Schlatter, R.; Jimenez, C.; Tapia, C. |
2006 | Macrofauna bentónica de los humedales de tres lagos salinos en el borde costero del sur de Chile | Bertran, C.; Vargas-Chacoff, L.; Pena-Cortes, F.; Mulsow, S.; Tapia, J.; Hauenstein, E.; Schlatter, R.; Bravo, A. |
2006 | Micropogonias manni as a bioindicator for copper in Lake Budi (IX Region, Chile) | Tapia, J.; Duran, E.; Pena-Cortes, F.; Hauenstein, E.; Bertran, C.; Schlatter, R.; Vargas-Chacoff, L.; Jimenez, C. |
Apr-2011 | A study of the geographic distribution of swamp forest in the coastal zone of the Araucania Region, Chile | Pena-Cortes, F.; Pincheira-Ulbrich, J.; Bertran, C.; Tapia, J.; Hauenstein, E.; Fernandez, E.; Rozas, D. |
Showing results 5 to 8 of 8