DSpace Biblioteca Universidad de Talca (v1.5.2) >
Browsing by Author "Schmeda-Hirschmann, G."
Showing results 59 to 78 of 107
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 2007 | Gastroprotective and cytotoxic effect of semisynthetic ferruginol derivatives | Areche, C.; Rodriguez, J.; Razmilic, I.; Yanez, T.; Theoduloz, C.; Schmeda-Hirschmann, G. |
2006 | Gastroprotective and ulcer-healing activity of oleanolic acid derivatives: In vitro–in vivo relationships | Sanchez, M.; Theoduloz, C.; Schmeda-Hirschmann, G.; Razmilic, I.; Yanez, T.; Rodriguez, J. |
2006 | Gastroprotective and ulcer healing effect of ferruginol in mice and rats: Assessment of its mechanism of action using in vitro models | Rodriguez, J.; Theoduloz, C.; Yanez, T.; Becerra, J.; Schmeda-Hirschmann, G. |
2005 | Gastroprotective and ulcer-healing effect of new solidagenone derivatives in human cell cultures | Rodriguez, J.; Theoduloz, C.; Sanchez, M.; Razmilic, I.; Schmeda-Hirschmann, G. |
2007 | Gastroprotective effect and cytotoxicity of labdenamides | Izquierdo, R.A.; Astudillo, L.; Rodriguez, J.; Theoduloz, C.; Palenzuela, J.A.; Schmeda-Hirschmann, G. |
Mar-2011 | Gastroprotective Effect and Cytotoxicity of Labdeneamides with Amino Acids | Schmeda-Hirschmann, G.; Rodriguez, J.A.; Theoduloz, C.; Valderrama, J.A. |
2005 | Gastroprotective effect and cytotoxicity of natural and semisynthetic labdane diterpenes from Araucaria araucana resin | Schmeda-Hirschmann, G.; Astudillo, L.; Sepulveda, B.; Rodriguez, J.; Theoduloz, C.; Yanez, T.; Palenzuela, J.A. |
2007 | Gastroprotective effect and cytotoxicity of semisynthetic jatropholone derivatives | Pertino, M.A.; Schmeda-Hirschmann, G.; Rodriguez, J.; Theoduloz, C. |
2007 | Gastroprotective effect and cytotoxicity of terpenes from the Paraguayan crude drug “yagua rova” (Jatropha isabelli) | Pertino, M.; Schmeda-Hirschmann, G.; Rodriguez, J.; Theoduloz, C. |
2005 | Gastroprotective effect of the Mapuche crude drug Araucaria araucana resin and its main constituents | Schmeda-Hirschmann, G.; Astudillo, L.; Rodriguez, J.; Theoduloz, C.; Yanez, T. |
1994 | -glucuronidase inhibition and diuretic activity of Fabiana imbricata R. & P. (Solanaceae) | Schmeda-Hirschmann, G.; Loyola, J.I.; Reyes, S.; Hubert, E.; Rodriguez, M.; Rodriguez, J.; Dutra-Behrens, M. |
1994 | Hypoglycaemic activity of Geranium core-core, Oxalis rosea and Plantago major extract in rats | Rodriguez, J.; Loyola, J.I.; Maulen, G.; Schmeda-Hirschmann, G. |
1992 | Hypoglycaemic activity of Hexachlamys edulis (Yvahai) extract in rats | Rodriguez, J.; Loyola, J.I.; Schmeda-Hirschmann, G. |
1994 | Hypotensive and diuretic effect of Equisetum bogotense and Fuchsia magellanica and micropropagation of E. bogotense | Rodriguez, J.; Pacheco, P.; Razmilic, I.; Loyola, J.I.; Schmeda-Hirschmann, G.; Theoduloz, C. |
1992 | Hypotensive effect and enzyme inhibition activity of mapuche medicinal plant extracts | Schmeda-Hirschmann, G.; Loyola, J.I.; Sierra, J.; Retamal, R.; Rodriguez, J. |
1994 | Hypotensive effect of Laurelia sempervirens (Monimiaceae) on normotensive rats | Schmeda-Hirschmann, G.; Loyola, J.I.; Rodriguez, J.; Dutra-Behrens, M. |
2001 | Immunomodulatory activity of Chilean Cyttaria species in mice with L5178Y lymphoma | Schmeda-Hirschmann, G.; Villasenor-Garcia;, M.M.; Lozoya, X.; Puebla-Perez, A.M. |
2001 | Inhibitory activity of xanthine-oxidase and superoxide scavenger properties of Inga verna subsp. affinis. Its morphological and micrographic characteristics | Vivot, E.; Munoz, J.D.; Cruanes, M.D.; Cruanes, M.J.; Tapia, A.; Schmeda-Hirschmann, G.; Martinez, E.; Di Sapio, O.; Gattuso, M.; Zacchino, S. |
1995 | Madia Sativa, a potential oil crop of Central Chile | Schmeda-Hirschmann, G. |
1993 | Magic and medicinal plants of the Ayoreos of the Chaco Boreal (Paraguay) | Schmeda-Hirschmann, G. |
Showing results 59 to 78 of 107