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Browsing by Author "Van Diejen, J.F."
Showing results 9 to 17 of 17
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 2001 | Modular Hypergeometric Residue Sums of Elliptic Selberg Integrals | Van Diejen, J.F.; Spiridonov, V.P. |
Jan-2005 | On the equilibrium configuration of the BC-type ruijsenaars-Schneider system | Van Diejen, J.F. |
2004 | On the Plancherel formula for the (Discrete) Laplacian in a Weyl chamber with repulsive boundary conditions at the walls | Van Diejen, J.F. |
Oct-2011 | Pieri formulas for Macdonald's spherical functions and polynomials | van Diejen, J.F.; Emsiz, E. |
2007 | Remarks on the zeros of the associated legendre functions with integral degree | Van Diejen, J.F. |
Apr-2005 | Scattering theory of discrete (pseudo) Laplacians on a Weyl chamber | Van Diejen, J.F. |
2005 | Symmetries and integrability of difference equations (SIDE VI) - Foreword | Van Diejen, J.F.; Halburd, R. |
Mar-2012 | Unitary representations of affine Hecke algebras related to Macdonald spherical functions | van Diejen, J.F.; Emsiz, E. |
2005 | Unit Circle Elliptic Beta Integrals | Van Diejen, J.F.; Spiridonov, V.P. |
Showing results 9 to 17 of 17