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Browsing by Author "González-Nilo, F."
Showing results 2 to 21 of 21
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 2007 | Dissecting phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate activation and thermosensation in TRP channels | Orta, G.; Salazar, M.; González, W.; Mascayano, C.; Raddatz, N.; Rosenmann, E.; González-Nilo, F.; Brauchi, S.; Latorre, R. |
2007 | Dissection of the components for PIP2 activation and thermosensation in TRP channels | Brauchi, S.; Orta, G.; Mascayano, C.; Salazar, M.; Raddatz, N.; Urbina, H.; Rosenmann, E.; González-Nilo, F.; Latorre, R. |
Jan-2005 | Exploring the Shaker K+ channel S3b segment using deletion mutants | González, C.; Morera, F.J.; Rosenmann, E.; Brauchi, S.; González, W.; Álvarez, O.; González-Nilo, F.; Latorre, R. |
2007 | External surface charge neutralization induces outward rectification on the Calcium- and Voltage- activated potassium channel BK | Carvacho, I.; González, W.; Orio, P; Brauchi, S.; Álvarez, O.; González-Nilo, F.; Latorre, R. |
2006 | Gating of two-pore domain K+ channels by extracellular pH | Niemeyer, M.I.; González-Nilo, F.; Zúniga, L.; González, W.; Cid, L.P.; Sepúlveda, F.V. |
2006 | Histidine Triad-like Motif of the Rotavirus NSP2 Octamer Mediates both RTPase and NTPase Activities | Carpio, R.V.D.; González-Nilo, F.; Riadi, G.; Taraporewala, Z.F.; Patton, J.T. |
Feb-2013 | In Silico Analysis of Putative Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning Toxins Export Proteins in Cyanobacteria | Soto-Liebe, K.; López-Cortes, X.A.; Fuentes-Valdes, J.J.; Stucken, K.; González-Nilo, F.; Vásquez, M. |
19-Sep-2012 | K+ Conduction and Mg2+ Blockade in a Shaker Kv-Channel Single Point Mutant with an Unusually High Conductance | Moscoso, C.; Vergara-Jaque, A.; Márquez-Miranda, V.; Sepúlveda, R.V.; Valencia, I.; Díaz-Franulic, I.; González-Nilo, F.; Naranjo, D. |
2006 | Molecular dynamics simulation of the aqueous solvation shell of cellulose and xanthate ester derivatives | Humeres, E.; Mascayano, C.; Riadi, G.; González-Nilo, F. |
2011 | Nanoinformatics: an emerging area of information technology at the intersection of bioinformatics, computational chemistry and nanobiotechnology | González-Nilo, F.; Pérez-Acle, T.; Guiñez-Molinos, Sergio; Geraldo, D.A.; Sandoval, C.; Yevenes, A.; Santos, L.S.; Laurie, V.F.; Mendoza, H.; Cachau, R.E. |
Jun-2012 | Nanoinformatics: developing new computing applications for nanomedicine | Maojo, V.; Fritts, M.; Martin-Sanchez, F.; De la Iglesia, D.; Cachau, R.E.; Garcia-Remesal, M.; Crespo, J.; Mitchell, J.A.; Anguita, A.; Baker, N.; Barreiro, J.M.; Benitez, S.E.; De la Calle, G.; Facelli, J.C.; Ghazal, P.; Geissbuhler, A.; González-Nilo, F.; Graf, N.; Grangeat, P.; Hermosilla, I .; Hussein, R.; Kern, J.; Koch, S.; Legre, Y.; Lopez-Alonso, V.; Lopez-Campos, G.; Milanesi, L.; Moustakis, V.; Munteanu, C.; Otero, P.; Pazos, A.; Perez-Rey, D.; Potamias, G.; Sanz, F.; Kulikowski, C. |
2007 | Neutralization of a single arginine residue gates open a two-pore domain, alkali-activated K+ channel | Niemeyer, M.I.; González-Nilo, F.; Zuniga, L.; Gonzalez, W.; Cid, L.P.; Sepulveda, F.V. |
2007 | Neutralization of a single arginine residue gates open a two-pore domain, alkali-activated K+ channel. | González-Nilo, F.; Niemeyer, M.I.; Zuniga, L.; González, W.; Cid, P.L.; Sepulveda, F.V. |
2007 | New modeling strategies for the computational characterization of nanobioparticles | Cachau, R.E.; Frius, M.J.; Topol, I.; Burt, S.K.; González-Nilo, F.; Matties, M. |
2006 | Nucleotide specificity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase Kinetics, fluorescence spectroscopy, and molecular simulation studies | Villarreal, J.M.; Bueno, C.; Arenas, F.; Jabalquinto, A.M.; González-Nilo, F.; Encinas, M.V.; Cardemil, E. |
2007 | Quantitative structure-activity relationship of rubiscolin analogues as delta opioid peptides using comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) and comparative molecular similarity indices analysis (CoMSIA) | Caballero, J.; Saavedera, M.; Fernandez, M.; González-Nilo, F. |
2007 | Relevance of phenylalanine 216 in the affinity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase for Mn(II) | Yevenes, A.; González-Nilo, F.; Cardemill, E. |
Jan-2005 | Role of the electrostatic potential on the BK potassium channel conductance | González-Nilo, F.; Gonzalez, W.; Brauchi, S.; Orio, P.; Carvacho, I.; Rosenmann, E.; Zaelzer, C.; Latorre, R. |
2006 | Site-directed mutagenesis study of the microenvironment characteristics of Lys213 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase | Yevenes, A.; Espinoza, R.; Rivas-Pardo, J.A.; Villarreal, J.M.; González-Nilo, F.; Cardemil, E. |
17-Jan-2005 | Structure-antioxidant activity relationships of flavonoids isolated from the resinous exudate of Heliotropium sinuatum | Modak, B.; Contreras, M.L.; González-Nilo, F.; Torres, R. |
Showing results 2 to 21 of 21