DSpace Biblioteca Universidad de Talca (v1.5.2) >
Browsing by Author "Gonzalez-Nilo, F.D."
Showing results 4 to 9 of 9
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | May-2012 | Insight into the Properties of Cardiolipin Containing Bilayers from Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Using a Hybrid All-Atom/United-Atom Force Field | Aguayo, D.; Gonzalez-Nilo, F.D.; Chipot, C. |
Sep-2012 | The pH sensor of the plant K plus uptake channel KAT1 is built from a sensory cloud rather than from single key amino acids | Gonzalez, W.; Riedelsberger, J.; Morales-Navarro, S.E.; Caballero, J.; Alzate-Morales, J.H.; Gonzalez-Nilo, F.D.; Dreyer, I. |
Feb-2012 | The pH sensor of the plant K+-uptake channel KAT1 is built from a sensory cloud rather than from single key amino acids | Gonzalez, W.; Riedelsberger, J.; Morales-Navarro, S.E.; Caballero, J.; Alzate-Morales, J.H.; Gonzalez-Nilo, F.D.; Dreyer, I. |
Jul-2011 | Site-directed mutations and kinetic studies show key residues involved in alkylammonium interactions and reveal two sites for phosphorylcholine in Pseudomonas aeruginosa phosphorylcholine phosphatase | Beassoni, P.R.; Otero, L.H.; Boetsch, C.; Domenech, C.E.; Gonzalez-Nilo, F.D.; Lisa, A.T. |
Feb-2012 | Study of Interaction Energies between the PAMAM Dendrimer and Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Using a Distributed Computational Strategy and Experimental Analysis by ESI-MS/MS | Avila-Salas, F.; Sandoval, C.; Caballero, J.; Guiñez-Molinos, Sergio; Santos, L.S.; Cachau, R.E.; Gonzalez-Nilo, F.D. |
Apr-2011 | Supramolecular complexes of quantum dots and a polyamidoamine (PAMAM)-folate derivative for molecular imaging of cancer cells | Geraldo, D.A.; Duran-Lara, E.F.; Aguayo, D.; Cachau, R.E.; Tapia, J.; Esparza, R.; Yacaman, M.J.; Gonzalez-Nilo, F.D.; Santos, L.S. |
Showing results 4 to 9 of 9