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Browsing by Author "Moggia, C."
Showing results 2 to 5 of 5
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 2007 | Development of aroma compounds and sensory quality of 'Royal Gala' apples during storage | Moya-Leon, M.A.; Vergara, M; Bravo, C.; Pereira, M.; Moggia, C. |
Mar-2011 | Performance of Apple (Malus xdomestica Borkh.) Cultivars Grown in Different Chilean Regions on a Six-year Trial, Part I: Vegetative Growth, Yield, and Phenology | Yuri, J.A.; Moggia, C.; Torres, C.A.; Sepulveda, A.; Lepe, V.; Vasquez, J.L. |
1998 | Quality of 'Ivanhoe' and 'Bluecrop' blueberry fruit transported by air and sea from Chile to North America | Beaudry, R.M.; Moggia, C.; Retamales, J.B.; Hancock, J.F. |
2011 | Use of Peroxyacetic Acid as Green Chemical on Yield and Sensorial Quality in Watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.) Under Soilless Culture | Carrasco, G.; Moggia, C.; Osses, I.J.; Alvaro, J.E.; Urrestarazu, M. |
Showing results 2 to 5 of 5