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Browsing by Author "Vogel, H."
Showing results 2 to 9 of 9
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 2012 | Biomass, resin and essential oil content and their variability in natural populations of the Chilean crude drug "bailahuen" (Haplopappus spp.) | Gonzalez, B.; Vogel, H.; Razmilic, I.; San Martin, J.; Doll, U. |
Sep-2011 | Boldo (Peumus boldus) cultivated under different light conditions, soil humidity and plantation density | Vogel, H.; Gonzalez, B.; Razmilic, I. |
Sep-2011 | Morphological characters, yields and active principles in wild and cultivated accessions of the Chilean medicinal plant Buddleja globosa Hope | Vogel, H.; Jeldres, P.; Razmilic, I.; Doll, U. |
2012 | Phenological cycle and floral development of Chloraea crispa (Orchidaceae) | Steinfort, U.; Cisternas, M.A; Garcia, R.; Vogel, H.; Verdugo, G. |
2007 | Presence of polygodial and drimenol in Drimys populations from Chile | Munoz-Concha, D.; Vogel, H.; Yunes, R.; Razmilic, I.; Bresciani, L.; Malheiros, A. |
1999 | Studies of genetic variation of essential oil and alkaloid content in boldo (Peumus boldus) | Vogel, H.; Razmilic, I.; Munoz, M.; Doll, U.; Martin, J.S. |
1992 | Variability of Yield Characters and Selection in Solanum ladniatum Ait. | Vogel, H.; Jatisatienr, A.; Horn, W. |
Mar-2004 | Variation of chemical compounds in leaves of Drimys spp. (Magnoliophyta : Winteraceae) populations in Chile | Munoz-Concha, D.; Vogel, H.; Razmilic, I. |
Showing results 2 to 9 of 9