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Browsing by Author "Thompson, J.R."

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1996 Comparative study of the characteristic length scales and fields of Hg-based high-T-c superconductorsThompson, J.R.; Ossandon, J.G.; Christen, D.K.; Paranthaman, M.; Specht, E.D.; Kim, Y.C.
2000 Current decay from quantum tunneling of vortices in Bi-2212 superconductorsThompson, J.R.; Ossandon, J.G.; Krusin-Elbaum, L.; Song, K.J.; Kim, H.J.; Christen, D.K.; Ullmann, J.L.
2003 Diminished equilibrium magnetization in Hg-1223 and Tl-2212 superconductors with fission-generated columnar defectsThompson, J.R.; Ossandon, J.G.; Christen, D.K.; Song, K.J.; Kim, H.J.; Krusin-Elbaum, L.; Sorge, K.D.; Ullmann, J.L.
1994 Equilibrium magnetization of the high-TC Superconductor TL2Ca2Ba2Cu3O10+Delta and fluctuation effectsThompson, J.R.; Christen, D.K.; Ossandon, J.G.
1995 Equilibrum Superconducting properties of grain-aligned HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+DELTAKim, Y.C.; Thompson, J.R.; Ossandon, J.G.; Christen, D.K.; Paranthaman, M.
2001 High temporal stability of supercurrents in MgB2 materialsThompson, J.R.; Paranthaman, M.; Christen, D.K.; Sorge, K.D.; Kim, H.J.; Ossandon, J.G.
1995 Influence of neutron-irradiation damage on the equilibrium properties of the polycrystalline BI1.8Pb0.3Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 superconductorOssandon, J.G.; Thompson, J.R.; Kim, Y.C.; Sun, Y.R; Christen, D.K.; Chakoumakos, B.C.
2001 Influence of randomly oriented columnar defects on the irreversible and reversible magnetization of Tl2Ba2CaCu2Ox superconductorOssandon, J.G.; Thompson, J.R.; Krusin-Elbaum, L.; Kim, H.J.; Christen, D.K.; Song, K.J.; Ullmann, J.L.
2004 Pinning action of correlated disorder against equilibrium properties of HgBa2Ca2Cu3OxThompson, J.R.; Ossandon, J.G.; Krusin-Elbaum, L.; Christen, D.K.; Kim, H.J.; Song, K.J.; Sorge, K.D.; Ullmann, J.L.
1993 Properties of aligned YBa2Cu3O7−δ superconductor as a function of oxygen deficiency δOssandon, J.G.; Thompson, J.R.; Christen, D.K.; Sun, Y.R.; Sales, B.C.; Kerchner, H.R.; Tkaczyk, J.E.; Lay, K.W.
1999 Quantum constraints on technological superconductorsThompson, J.R.; Ossandon, J.G.; Krusin-Elbaum, L.; Song, K.J.; Christen, D.K.; Ullmann, J.L.
2000 Quantum tunneling of vortices in Bi-2212 with randomly oriented columnar defectsThompson, J.R.; Ossandon, J.G.; Krusin-Elbaum, L; Song, K.J.; Christen, D.K.; Ullmann, J.L.
1998 Stability of supercurrents in a BiSrCaCuO (Bi-2212) high- Tcsuperconductor with artificiallyOssandon, J.G.; Thompson, J.R.
1993 Vortex Fluctuations, Magnetic Penetration Depth, and HC2 in Hg-based and TL-based hight-T(C) superconductorsThompson, J.R.; Ossandon, J.G.; Sun, Y.R.; Paranthaman, M.; Brynestad, J.
2002 Vortex pinning in high-Tc materials via randomly oriented columnar defects, created by GeV proton-induced fission fragmentsThompson, J.R.; Ossandon, J.G.; Krusin-Elbaum, L.; Kim, H.J.; Song, K.J.; Christen, D.K.; Ullmann, J. L.
Showing results 1 to 15 of 15


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