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Showing results 9518 to 9537 of 12416
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2003 Ondelettes: una aplicación a la determinación de firmeza en frutasHidalgo Jara, Juan Luis; Cornejo Zúñiga, Oscar (Prof. Guía); Soto Matamala, Leonardo (Prof. Guía)
Sep-2011 A One-Pot Azido Reductive Tandem Mono-N-Alkylation Employing Dialkylboron Triflates: Online ESI-MS Mechanistic InvestigationShankaraiah, N.; Markandeya, N.; Srinivasulu, V.; Sreekanth, K.; Kamal, A.; Santos, L.S.; Reddy, C.S.
Jul-2014 On exact solutions for the Minmax Regret Spanning Tree problemPerez-Galarce, F.; Alvarez-Miranda, E.; Candia-Vejar, A.; Toth, P.
2004 On hotelling's competition with general purpose productsTroncoso Valverde, Christian; Robert, Jacques
1993 The Online Books PageOckerbloom, John Mark
-Online Medieval and Classical Library (OMACL)-
15-Aug-2012 On-line monitoring of stevioside sweetener hydrolysis to steviol in acidic aqueous solutionsCatharino, R.R.; Santos, L.S.
2005 On modular lattices generated by chainsDe La Maza, A.C.; Moresi, R.
2007 On some invariants of fields of characteristic p>0Arason, J.K.; Aravire, R.; Baeza, R.
1-Nov-2014 On the boundedness of generalized Cesaro operators on Sobolev spacesLizama, C.; Miana, PJ.; Ponce, R.; Sanchez-Lajusticia, L.
Jan-2005 On the equilibrium configuration of the BC-type ruijsenaars-Schneider systemVan Diejen, J.F.
1-Nov-2014 On the existence of non-monotone non-oscillating wavefrontsIvanov, A; Gomez, C.; Trofimchuk, S.
Jun-2011 On the level of principal ideal domainsArason, J.K.; Baeza, R.
3-Mar-2005 On the mechanism of hydrogen transfer in the HSCH(O) reversible arrow (S)CHOH and HSNO reversible arrow SNOH reactionsGutierrrez-Oliva, S.; Herrera, B.; Toro-Labbe, A.; Chermette, H.
Jul-2014 On the mechanism underlying tellurite reduction by Aeromonas caviae ST dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenaseArenas, FA..; Leal, CA.; Pinto, CA.; Arenas-Salinas, MA.; Morales, WA.; Cornejo, FA.; Diaz-Vasquez, WA.; Vasquez, CC.
2004 On the Plancherel formula for the (Discrete) Laplacian in a Weyl chamber with repulsive boundary conditions at the wallsVan Diejen, J.F.
Feb-2011 On the representation theory of an algebra of braids and tiesRyom-Hansen, S.
1994 On the Similarity Group of Forms of Higher DegreeOryan, M.
2006 On the Species Involved in the Vaporization of Imidazolium Ionic Liquids in a Steam-Distillation-Like ProcessDaSilveira Neto, B.A.; Santos, L.S.; Nachtigall, F.M.; Eberlin, M.N.; Dupont, J.
Showing results 9518 to 9537 of 12416
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