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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://dspace.utalca.cl/handle/1950/8933

Title: Susceptibility of Populus spp. hybrids to aphids and rusts at three localities of Chile
Other Titles: Susceptibilidad de híbridos de Populus spp. al ataque de áfidos y roya en tres localidades de Chile
Authors: Rubio-Melendez, M.E.
Zamudio, F.
Ramirez, C.C.
Keywords: susceptibility
Chaitophorus leucomelas
Melampsora prevalence
Issue Date: 2011
Citation: BOSQUE Volume: 32 Issue: 2 Pages: 127-134
Abstract: In the last few years an increasing interest on species and hybrids of the genus Populus has occurred in Chile. However, such plantations are strongly affected by pest and diseases. With the aim to identify potentially resistant (or less susceptible) hybrids of the genus Populus, the susceptibility of some poplar hybrids growing in experimental nurseries in Southern-Center Chile to the aphid Chaitophorus leucomelas Koch and to the rust Melampsora spp. was assessed. Results showed that aphid abundance was higher in the month of March, particularly in Coinco (O'Higgins Region) and lower in Pillanlelbun (Los Rios Regions) and Yumbel (Biobio Region). In Pillanlelbun the most susceptible hybrid to aphids was TDxTD [(P. trichocarpa x P. deltoides) x (P. trichocarpa x P. deltoides)], and the less susceptible ones were TDxD [(P. trichocarpa x P. deltoides) x P. deltoides], TxN (P. trichocarpa x P. nigra), TMxTM [(P. trichocarpa x P. maximowitzii) x (P. trichocarpa x P. maximowitzii)] and TDxT [(P. trichocarpa x P. deltoides) x P. trichocarpa]. Hybrid TxN (P. trichocarpa x P. nigra) was the most susceptible to rust in all testing sites, while the less susceptible hybrids were TDxT [(P. trichocarpa x P. deltoides) x P. trichocarpa], TDxD [(P. trichocarpa x P. deltoides) x P. trichocarpa] and TDxT [(P. trichocarpa x P. deltoides) x P. trichocarpa]. These susceptibilities varied among localities, particularly on aphids. Genetic and environmental factors accounting for by these results are discussed.
Description: Ramirez, CC (reprint author), Univ Talca, Inst Biol Vegetal & Biotecnol, Talca, Chile.
URI: http://dspace.utalca.cl/handle/1950/8933
ISSN: 0304-8799
Appears in Collections:Artículos en publicaciones ISI - Universidad de Talca

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