DSpace Biblioteca Universidad de Talca (v1.5.2) >
Browsing by Author "del Pozo, A."
Showing results 6 to 13 of 13
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 2011 | Influence of conservation tillage and soil water content on crop yield in dryland compacted alfisol of central chile | Martinez, I.; Ovalle, C.; Del Pozo, A.; Uribe, H.; Valderrama, N.; Prat, C.; Sandoval, M.; Fernandez, F.; Zagal, E. |
Mar-2012 | Physiological and yield responses of recombinant chromosome substitution lines of barley to terminal drought in a Mediterranean-type environment | del Pozo, A.; Castillo, D.; Inostroza, L.; Matus, I.; Mendez, A.M.; Morcuende, R. |
Apr-2013 | Productivity and fruit quality of Vaccinium corymbosum cv. Elliott under photo-selective shading nets | Lobos, G.A.; Retamales, J.B.; Hancock, J.F.; Flore, J.A.; Romero-Bravo, S.; del Pozo, A. |
Aug-2011 | Reduction of apple tree height (Malus domestica Borkh) cv. Ultra Red Gala/MM111 does not decrease fruit yield and quality | Yuri, J.A.; Ibarra-Romero, M.; Vasquez, J.L.; Lepe, V.; Gonzalez-Talice, J.; del Pozo, A. |
Feb-2013 | Relations among pigments, color and phenolic concentrations in the peel of two Gala apple strains according to canopy position and light environment | Gonzalez-Talice, J.; Yuri, J.A.; del Pozo, A. |
Jan-2011 | Responses of fruit growth, quality, and productivity to crop load in apple cv. Ultra Red Gala/MM111 | Yuri, J.A.; Talice, J.G.; Verdugo, J.; del Pozo, A. |
2011 | Seedling vigor variation among 80 recombinant chromosome substitution lines (RCSL) of barley (Hordeum vulgare) | Inostroza, L.; Quezada, C.; Inostroza, W.; Matus, I.; Tapia, M.; del Pozo, A. |
2012 | Spectral irradiance, gas exchange characteristics and leaf traits of Vaccinium corymbosum L. 'Elliott' grown under photo-selective nets | Lobos, G.A.; Retamales, J.B.; Hancock, J.F.; Fiore, J.A..; Cobo, N.; del Pozo, A. |
Showing results 6 to 13 of 13