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Showing results 9378 to 9397 of 12416
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021 Necesidades formativas docentes. El caso del municipio de Tatumbla, Francisco Morazán de HondurasColindres Cruz, Franklin Eduardo; Castro Paredes, Moyra (Profesor patrocinante)
15-May-2013 Neonicotinic analogues: Selective antagonists for alpha 4 beta 2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptorsFaundez-Parraguez, M.; Farias-Rabelo, N.; Gonzalez-Gutierrez, J.P.; Etcheverry-Berrios, A.; Alzate-Morales, J.; Adasme-Carreno, F.; Varas, R.; Bermudez, I.; Iturriaga-Vasquez, P.
2000 Net radiation model evaluation at an hourly time step for mediterranean conditionsOrtega-Farias, S.O.; Antonioletti, R.; Olioso, A.
2010 Neurociencia y derecho penal de los incapacesAlbornoz Jorquera, Pablo; Fuentes Cubillos, Hernán Mauricio (Prof. Guía)
2001 Neurocisticercosis : nuevos estudios en el avance de esta parasitosis.Carrasco Espinoza, Magdalena de las M.; Sills Guzman, Natalia Ruby; Sanzana Ortiz, Lorena Liliana; Vidal Flores, Sylvia (Prof. Guia)
2007 Neutralization of a single arginine residue gates open a two-pore domain, alkali-activated K+ channelNiemeyer, M.I.; González-Nilo, F.; Zuniga, L.; Gonzalez, W.; Cid, L.P.; Sepulveda, F.V.
2007 Neutralization of a single arginine residue gates open a two-pore domain, alkali-activated K+ channel.González-Nilo, F.; Niemeyer, M.I.; Zuniga, L.; González, W.; Cid, P.L.; Sepulveda, F.V.
2012 New antecedents on the distribution and ecology of Botrychium dusenii (H. Christ.) Alston (Ophioglossaceae) associated with anthropogenic environments in the Coyhaique province, Aysen Region, ChileBravo-Monasterio, P.; Penailillo, P.; Fajardo, A.
2005 The new behaviorism: Mind, mechanism, and societyPerez-Acosta, A.M.
Apr-2013 A new class of skew-symmetric distributions and related familiesGomez, H.W.; Vidal, I.; Varela, H.
May-2012 New dimeric diterpenes: Synthesis and antiproliferative activity.Pertino, M.W.; Bastias, M.F.; Theoduloz, C.; Schmeda-Hirschmann, G.
May-2012 New diterpene and heterocycles hybrid compounds: Synthesis and gastroprotective mechanisms of action using human cell culturesTheoduloz, C.; Vargas, G.; Astudillo, L.; Schmeda-Hirschmann, G.
Aug-2011 A New Format for Handling Nuclear DataBak, S.I.; Brun, R.; Carminati, F.; Chai, J.S.; Gheata, A.; Gheata, M.; Hong, S.W.; Kadi, Y.; Manchanda, V.; Park, T.S.; Tenreiro, C.
Mar-2012 New Gastroprotective Labdeneamides from (4S, 9R, 10R) Methyl 18-carboxy-labda-8,13(E)-diene-15-oateOlate, V.R.; Pertino, M.W.; Theoduloz, C.; Yesilada, E.; Monsalve, F.; Gonzalez, P.; Droguett, D.; Richomme, P.; Hadi, A.H.A.; Schmeda-Hirschmann, G.
Jul-2014 A New Isoxazolic Compound Acts as alpha 7 Nicotinic Receptor Agonist in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial CellsCortes, MP.; Alvarez, R.; Sepulveda, E.; Jimenez-Aspee, F.; Astudillo, L.; Vallejos, G.; Gutierrez, M.
2007 New modeling strategies for the computational characterization of nanobioparticlesCachau, R.E.; Frius, M.J.; Topol, I.; Burt, S.K.; González-Nilo, F.; Matties, M.
Aug-2014 A new mulinane diterpenoid from the cushion shrub Azorella compacta growing in PeruSalgado, F.; Areche, C.; Sepulveda, B.; Simirgiotis, MJ.; Caceres, F.; Quispe, C.; Quispe, L.; Cano, T.
Jan-2013 New records of lichens from ChileWang, X.Y.; Pereira, I.; Oh, S.O.; Wang, L.S.; Hur, J.S.
1991 NEWTON BBS Ask A Scientist ServiceArgonne National Laboratory, Division of Educational Programs
2017 NIA 701-comunicación de los asuntos claves de la auditoría en el informe emitido por un auditor independiente y su efecto sobre los procedimientos de auditoríaSanhueza Bravo, María Edith; Salas Ávila, José (Prof. Guía)
Showing results 9378 to 9397 of 12416
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